Good Galaxy

Good Galaxy

Good Galaxy




I really liked working for the startup Good Galaxy because they trie to make agroecological knowledge more accessible and in line with the flow of creating or maintaining the garden, making field crafts less physical, more efficient, collaborative and fun to TO DO.

I really liked working for the startup Merakoi, because the team tried to deal with a delicate subject, pharmaceutical laboratories “influencers”. At first I was really scared but when I discovered the very human project, I immersed myself fully in the concept! The branding and the site on which I worked absolutely had to transcribe this human side.

A good mix between minimalist illustrations and photos

So I had to think about a Branding combining photos of nature and scientific graphic elements. I wanted to avoid the iconographic representations traditionally used for this kind of project, so we thought about a certain number of abstract illustrations made of simple geometric shapes.

The goal was to represent the different technological solutions provided by Good Galaxy to help permaculture. To avoid writing over the photos directly, I created a frame system that can be positioned in the corners of any media.

“Thanks ! I really like the art direction on the UI and the posters, the Klarheit typo is really cool too, I finally bought the complete pack!”

“Hi Tony ! A giant thank you for the great work on our visual id. The team, customers and patient experts love it ! It's really such a pleasure to work with beautiful content ! And the guide style is super awesome too! Thanks.”

Kim Huynh-Kieu

CEO of Good Galaxy

Website & Dashboard

In addition to branding and creating pages dedicated to the website, I had to work on a Design system to feed the Dashboard representing the exchosystem of a garden. Behind these very “technical” terms, everything had to be simplified as much as possible in order to make these interfaces very easily usable by any little gardener.


Antony Legrand © 2022